November 27, 2011

Mustavalkomaanantai: Lasi | B&W Monday: Glass

Releasing the spirit in the bottle. 

B&W Monday's topic is glass. These bottles originate from decades if not a century ago and have been used in pharmacy matters. I got them from my childhood home. They're somehow spirited, at least to me. See other images here.

November 25, 2011

November 24, 2011

Valokuvatorstai: Talven merkit | Photo Thursday: Signs of winter

Photo Thursday's topic is talven merkit, signs of winter. I took this picture of a tiny plant on a forest walk last Sunday. Covered with ice it resembles a Christmas tree, doesn't it?

See other wintery photos here.

November 23, 2011

Makroviikot: Kulma | Weekly Macro: Corner

Weekly Macro's theme is kulma - corner, angle. I chose one of the closest subjects: the corner of my eye/eyebrows. See other challenge pictures here.

November 22, 2011

No winter yet

Found these energetic colours last Sunday nearby home. Nature never seems to stop amazing me.

November 21, 2011

Mustavalkomaanantai: Ihminen | B&W Monday: Human being

Sinä olet ihminen, muistatko... ratiseva hiekka saappaissa.

B&W Monday inspires with Zen Cafe's Ihminen. Putting time and one's existence into perspective.

November 20, 2011

November 13, 2011

Mustavalkomaanantai: Viesti | B&W Monday: Message

Communication with eyes and whiskers: Would you please stop photographing, or else...

B&W Monday's theme is a message

Still blooming

November 9, 2011

Makroviikot: Valkoinen | Weekly Macro: White

Why Q-tips?

Because Weekly Macro's theme is purely white. See other contributions here.

November 6, 2011

Mustavalkomaanantai: Pelottava | B&W Monday: Scary

Feeling of being stared at?

Black & White Monday's theme is entitled scary or dreadful. Butterflies are usually admired because of their beauty, but sometimes there's more than meets the eye...


Happened to hear some mind-blowing music today at Tampere Jazz Happening.

November 4, 2011

Valokuvatorstai: Koti | Photo Thursday: Home

Photo Thursday's theme is simply home. This little fellow is determined to build a home of his own. See other cosy photos here.

November 1, 2011
