April 10, 2011

Strange phenomenon

It's not often I write any further comments on photos in my blog apart from the title. However, this time I feel a need for a short introduction.

Something peculiar happened today. We went to see the rapids nearby our home and found this water hole which itself was a slightly odd thing to see. I took a few photos and spotted some strange features appearing in that hole. Do you see what I see? A face of a goblin showing his tongue in the first image...


  1. Great photos, and yes, a strange yet wonderful phenomenon! Don't you for more of these when out on an adventure with your camera?

  2. Thanks Marja-Leena! Oh yes, certainly. Human or animal figures etc can be quite easily seen eg. in rocks and bark. And just look up at the clouds... Nature never stops amazing me.

    A great thing in the nature (among others) is that you can find all the possible shapes and colours there which human then reproduces - not quite as well - in art, architecture, industry etc.
